Not everyone is fortunate to naturally have a straight set of teeth. In fact, most people have one or two teeth that are a little crooked. For most of us, the aesthetics of crooked teeth and the quest of a perfect smile are what sends us to to see the dentist to find out your options, however there are also practical and medical benefits to straightening your smile.
Why Are My Teeth Crooked?
The overall appearance of our teeth is genetic and it’s possible that one of your parents has passed their teeth onto you. Alternatively, you may have started life out with straight teeth but knocked your teeth out of alignment due to a trauma in the mouth when you were younger. Whatever the reason may be, teeth straightening is essential for your dental health.
Protect Yourself From Dental Decay Through Teeth Straightening
Misaligned teeth are more difficult to clean and floss than straight teeth as there are more areas you can’t reach or see with your toothbrush. If crooked teeth are not dealt with they can create further complications and increase your chances of dental decay. If left untreated dental decay can lead to periodontal disease, which can ultimately result in tooth loss.
Straightening your crooked teeth will keep your teeth and gums much healthier. Healthy teeth and gums are essential for a healthy body. Poor dental hygiene, sites of tooth decay have been linked to other forms of disease in the body, including heart disease.
Increased Tooth Sensitivity
It is also common for crowded teeth to be sensitive to very hot and cold temperatures when they are under a lot of pressure. This can cause a great deal of discomfort when eating and drinking. It may even make your dental hygiene routine less comfortable.
Straight Teeth Are More Effective For Chewing
Our teeth are designed to perform a function well. We need them to chew our food with every day…when your teeth are straight, it is easier and more comfortable to chew your food. When you have crooked teeth there may be certain types of food that you avoid; either because you can’t or because it hurts you to do so.
In summary, straightening your teeth presents a wide array of benefits. You can face the world with more confidence in yourself, and more importantly you can protect your mouth against the added risk of tooth decay, improve tooth sensitivity and enjoy more freedom when eating.
Our friendly team at Mint Dental will answer your questions and concerns about teeth straightening and advise on the various treatment options that are available to you. Conveniently schedule an appointment here online at